Send an "Ask the Fairy" Letter!  

Anna reads and answers questions from audience, on YouTube, several times a week. Here are tips to get your letter chosen.

  • Your letter must be focused on a question you'd like Anna to answer. Please begin your letter with the question.
  •  Begin your letter by telling a little about yourself, and what the problem is you are trying to solve in your life today. A few details about what happened to you as a child may be relevant, but letters wtih long stories about the past are less likely to be accepted.
  • Anna favors questions of interest to a large portion of the audience (such as dating, connecting with others, living with CPTSD and overcoming self-defeating behaviors).
  • Keep it short-ish. Some background or context is helpful, but long letters about past hurts cannot be shared on YouTube.
  • Please omit graphic information about violence or abuse; our staff and audience.
  • Make sure your letter does not have identifying information about you or the people you mention (we will have your name and e-mail address, but will never include that in videos).
  • Please give written consent for your letter to be read and answered on YouTube, by including this statement In your e-mail, “Anna Runkle has my permission to read my letter and respond to it on her YouTube channel, and in other media connected to Crappy Childhood Fairy.” (Then type your full name.)

Providing this consent means that Anna may use your letter (or portions of the video where she answers it) not only on YouTube, but potentially on her blog, podcast, website and e-mails, as well on sharing platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Substack, Rumble and Medium.

Email: [email protected]