


Since 2009, Global Citizens have taken 24.8 million actions, helped $48.4 billion worth of commitments to be made, and affected 880 million lives. But we’re just getting started. Read more at this link.




A health worker vaccinates a young child against polio in the Sakhour neighborhood of Aleppo, Syria, as part of a routine immunization campaign launched during World Immunization Week in 2017. The campaign aimed to vaccinate children under 5, including those who were not fully immunized, and the most vulnerable children living in shelters, hard-to-reach, and besieged areas. After six years of war, Syria’s immunization coverage has dropped from 80% pre-conflict to 41% in 2015. In some of the contested areas, routine immunization has completely stopped.⁠ Read about more people on the frontlines of fighting polio at this link.
(📷: © Khouder Al-Issa/UN060903/UNICEF)




This year, the Nobel Prize for Economics has been awarded to three pioneers in the fight against poverty: Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, and Michael Kremer (not pictured). Duflo is the youngest person and only the second woman ever to win the prize. Read more about their work at this link.
(📷: Michael Dwyer/AP) 




ranian women were allowed to attend a live stadium soccer match on Thursday for the first time in about four decades, following a recent threat from FIFA to suspend the country for its discriminatory bans. The decision to allow women into the stadium is a huge win for Global Goal 5, which aims to achieve gender equality by 2030, but it is still unclear whether the ban on women is permanently lifted. Read more at this link.
(📷: Vahid Salemi/AP)




Over 23,000 Global Citizens took action calling on the @unitednations to reappoint an independent expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity – and those calls were answered. On Sept. 26, the United Nations General Assembly voted to reappoint the independent expert, ensuring that critical services, support systems, and research will continue for the LGBTI community around the world. Read more at this link.
(📷: Rodger Bosch/AFP/Getty Images)




The ocean cleanup device in the Pacific Ocean is finally working! The Ocean Cleanup recently announced that a boat has been able to retrieve plastic – including tires, microplastics, ghost nets, and crates – collected by the device. Read more about the Ocean Cleanup at this link.
⁠(📷: Courtesy of The Ocean Cleanup)



I am bold, daring and fearless, I make no effort to stand out from the crowd, this sort of thing comes naturally to me. I am the pattern on a plain canvas from which excitement springs. I am guilty of being different and make no effort to change. I am basically like Neo from the Matrix.