
Vic Mensa shows solidarity with #NoDAPL protesters in the best way possible

follow @the-movemnt

(via solardivulger)




(via papermagazine)


when i saw this i couldn’t believe it didn’t have music

(via desthebolt-deactivated20181217)

theprestomanifesto asked: How do you feel now that the Chicago Cubs really have beat every team in the league??


The thing is, the Cubs beat every team in the National League pretty much every year. I’m not a stats junkie, but every team in each league plays every other team in the league a certain number of times every year, don’t they? They play division rivals 17-18x/year and teams outside of the division about 8x or so a little Googling suggests. Plus there’s interleague where they play, and at least once or twice beat, teams in the other league. So the line is perhaps not the brainiest line in the history of the Mountain Goats. Still, metrically it’s a lovely line and is nice to sing and I am the first person to pedant-ize it this severely as far as I know. 

Since I have been a Cubs fan since 1975, I do feel super happy that they won in extras last night. I stayed up late to see the whole thing, which means that physically I feel like a jar filled with human butts, seeing as how I woke up for the rest of the day at 4:30 and the game didn’t end til late. But emotionally I’ve been wanting to see this day my whole life and am stoked. I now turn my attention to hockey. I like the look of Minnesota this year and I always hope for Pittsburgh to make a good showing, even though unlike most Pittsburgh boosters I do not hate the Flyers and in fact have big love for them too, considering that one of my favorite games of all time was a multi-overtime Flyers/Penguins game 10 or 15 years ago. I cheer on Winnipeg even though they’re in the ‘Canes division because my friend John K. is from there and knows his hockey. The season is young so there’ll be more to say as matters develop, I hear they’re building in Edmonton and they do look hot out of the gate, that town deserves some shine so unless you have regional beef maybe show some love to the Oilers. This has been sports corner with John and we’ll see you next week

(via 011594)

when mom leaves and you finally have the house to yourselves

when mom leaves and you finally have the house to yourselves

(via casualpasta)

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