David Casler

About the author

I'm a Coloradan, living and working in Ridgway, Colorado. I wrote some books that were "serious" (such as "About Phillip"--on Kindle for 99 cents), but then got the fantasy bug. Why fantasy? Because I can stretch myself to my limits and have great fun doing so! I stumbled on the idea for the flying broomstick series while attending a long and boring meeting. By the time I was on the airplane home, I was feverishly writing down everything I could remember from my daydreams. The result is "The Story of the Great American Flying Broomstick, Book 1: Genesis." Since then I've added "Book 2: The Missing Wand," and "Book 3: FOG at the Crossroads." The books reflect my outlook on life: humor, pluck, and willingness to try most anything. The most frequent comment I get from readers is that they seem so real. One reader, a retired Air Force Colonel and long-time pilot, told me that I got all the flying scenes exactly right. In fact, regarding the trip to Las Vegas in the first Broom book, he was convinced I had to have flown the route myself in a small aircraft. (Nope, but I sure did study a bunch of maps!) Others say that when they drive up to my house, they fully expect to see me on the broom, hovering overhead! So, if that sort of fun is up your alley, dive right in. All three books in the "Story of the Great American Flying Broomstick" series are available for only a buck apiece on Kindle. Download today! I've released a new book, "The Unexpected Traveler," available exclusively on Kindle. "The Unexpected Traveler" is quite different from the Broom books. Rather than being set in Ouray County, Colorado, it's set in its own mythical world. It's also more serious and takes on a set of themes around struggle and redemption, adding a depth not in the more humorous and light-hearted Broom books. I'd call it an "epic, action-adventure" fantasy, including all the relevant battle scenes. I've noticed that fantasy books these days are lengthy because readers love to sink into them for long and comfortable good times. And "The Unexpected Traveler" won't disappoint! Yep, it's $4.99, about the cost of lunch at a fast food restaurant, but it'll provide lots of entertainment and it's probably more nourishing! Check out the books on Kindle. There are only a couple paperback copies left of the first Broom book on Amazon, and those won't be replenished. Yep, I'm going exclusively e-book. And, yes, I'm working on a sequel to "The Unexpected Traveler!"

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