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Stacey Shiflett Podcast

Stacey Shiflett Podcast

By Stacey Shiflett

A 5th generation Baptist preacher that loves God, the Bible, truth and America!
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Episode 33 - Set A Trotline

Stacey Shiflett PodcastJul 25, 2022

Episode 33 - Set A Trotline

Episode 33 - Set A Trotline

The secret to successful fishing is to put as many hooks in the water as possible. In this episode, Pastor Shiflett shares a story of his first time crabbing in the waters of Maryland and how they were able to catch so many crabs in just a few hours. This episode will challenge you in the area of soul winning and evangelism and encourage you to use your time wisely to reach as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time.

Jul 25, 202230:03
Episode 32 - The Eliab Effect

Episode 32 - The Eliab Effect

David, the young man that defeated Goliath had an older brother named Eliab. Eliab didn't get angry with Goliath, but his anger was kindled against David. Why? And how did David respond to it? This episode addresses the phenomenon where older and more seasoned Christians often do more to discourage younger believers from fighting sin than they do helping them and encouraging them.

Jun 07, 202227:12
Episode 31 - Pedophiles In The Pulpit

Episode 31 - Pedophiles In The Pulpit

This episode addresses the early release of Jack Schaap and the hot debate on whether or not he should return to the pulpit. I deal with the mindset and culture that enables and covers for men with sexual abuse in their background to remain in ministry. This episode is filled with multiple Bible verses and passionate pleas for churches and pastors to protect their flocks from wolves.

May 14, 202238:26
Episode 31 - Pedophiles In The Pulpit

Episode 31 - Pedophiles In The Pulpit

This episode addresses the early release of Jack Schaap and the hot debate on whether or not he should return to the pulpit. I deal with the mindset and culture that enables and covers for men with sexual abuse in their background to remain in ministry. This episode is filled with multiple Bible verses and passionate pleas for churches and pastors to protect their flocks from wolves. 

May 13, 202238:26
Episode 30 - Preach the Word

Episode 30 - Preach the Word

Church members are starving to death on the pews of our churches. Preachers and pastors are taking shortcuts and failing to deliver the ministry of the Word the way God intended. This episode deals with the importance of making sure our preaching and teaching is biblical in every way.

Apr 23, 202230:36
Episode 29 - Church Clothes

Episode 29 - Church Clothes

In this episode, Pastor Shiflett dives headlong into the controversial waters of the "come as you are" philosophy and the pride that many times creeps in to the position on both sides of the issue concerning what people wear to church. 

Feb 14, 202233:25
Episode 28 - Whited Walls

Episode 28 - Whited Walls

The title was take from Acts 23:3 where the Apostle Paul called out the leaders of his day for their dishonest judgment. This episode calls out the hypocrisy of many in our day that use virtue signaling while promoting harmful ideas. It also encourages the listener to make sure they are genuine and not guilty of a two-tiered justice system in their own personal life. 

Feb 08, 202229:54
Episode 27 - What's It Gonna Take?

Episode 27 - What's It Gonna Take?

The world is in chaos. America is on fire. The Lord is coming back at any minute, and many of God's people are still asleep. What's it gonna take? This episode addresses the apathy of the church, even in a state of complete chaos.

Jan 14, 202228:38
Episode 26 - The Great Reset

Episode 26 - The Great Reset

The New World Order is being implemented right before our very eyes. More disturbingly is the fact that many churches and believers are seemingly exploiting this pandemic in order to usher in their own "reset." The problems with this unbiblical trend is discussed in this episode.

Dec 03, 202130:19
Episode 25 - State Regulated Religion

Episode 25 - State Regulated Religion

Our nation has now entered into an era where the government has the power to validate or invalidate your religious beliefs. This episode highlights and documents our dwindling freedom of religion and the overreach of the state with forced vaccinations. 

Nov 04, 202134:00
Episode 24 - Ditch the Albatross

Episode 24 - Ditch the Albatross

An albatross is not only a large bird in the Southern Hemisphere, it is also a source of worry or distress and is also an obstacle to success. In this episode, Pastor Shiflett confesses his addiction to social media and how God led him to lay aside that weight in his life. You will be challenged to decide whether or not you have an albatross that you need to ditch today.

Oct 01, 202138:29
Episode 23 - Boycott Public Schools

Episode 23 - Boycott Public Schools

The deplorable and destructive agenda of the public school has given Bible-believing Christians no other option but to boycott them. It's time to stand up and take control of what environment and what education your precious children are subjected to on a daily basis. This episode is a passionate, dogmatic and bold declaration by a pastor, a dad and a grandpa - whatever you do, don't put your child in a public school!

Sep 17, 202127:34
Episode 22 - Shaken In Mind

Episode 22 - Shaken In Mind

Why did Paul warn the church in the last days not to be shaken in mind? Find out in this episode the importance of protecting your heart, your eyes and your ears!

Sep 07, 202131:27
Episode 21 - Inside and Outside

Episode 21 - Inside and Outside

Which is more important? The inside or the outside? Should Christians be concerned with their appearance or their spirit? Does the outward appearance of the believer even matter? Is focusing on the outside make a Christian a Pharisee? This episode address this topic and the confusion that surrounds this issue.

Jul 22, 202128:24
Episode 20 - Dead Churches

Episode 20 - Dead Churches

There's nothing more sad than a dead church. What is it that causes churches to die, and what can you do about it? Find out in this heartfelt podcast by Pastor Shiflett.

Jun 15, 202142:27
Episode 19 - The Principles of Growth

Episode 19 - The Principles of Growth

One of the biggest challenges that churches face is the discipleship of new converts. Jesus was crystal clear in His last command to the church. We are to see people saved, baptized and taught to observe all things. This involves a systematic and deliberate approach to making disciples. In this episode, Pastor Shiflett introduces and explains his latest book, Principles of Growth, which is a 12 lesson discipleship curriculum designed to assist pastors and missionaries with the task of discipleship.

May 27, 202132:18
Episode 18 - Grandsons Become Grandpas

Episode 18 - Grandsons Become Grandpas

As the songwriter said, "Time is filled with swift transition..." In this episode, Pastor Shiflett shares the story of the birth of first grandson, Landon. You will also hear how that the decisions and choices we make as young people determine how we will be one day when we are old. This episode is guaranteed to motivate you to make every day count to its fullest!

May 14, 202128:29
Episode 17 - Cast Thy Bread Upon The Waters

Episode 17 - Cast Thy Bread Upon The Waters

God promised us that if we would cast our bread upon the waters, we would find it again after many days. How true that is! The question is, are we being faithful to cast the bread; sow the seed; spread the word? This podcast shares some amazing and exciting recent personal experiences that demonstrate the truth of the promise in Ecclesiastes 11:1.

Apr 27, 202132:38
Episode 16 - Where Are The Men?

Episode 16 - Where Are The Men?

With so much emphasis today being placed on misogyny and toxic masculinity, it's high time someone pointed out the void of biblical manhood. Where are the men to lead their wives, their families and their churches back to God? Where are the Spirit-filled men to set an example and shoulder their God-given responsibilities? 

Apr 01, 202127:45
Episode 15 - The Hunt for Godly Youth

Episode 15 - The Hunt for Godly Youth

In a day and age when Hollywood and the public schools are doing their best to undermine the church, we need now more than ever to raise a generation of young people that know God and know what it means to live holy, godly, virtuous lives. This episode is a passionate reminder of our duty as parents and pastors to keep the subject of holiness before our young people.

Mar 16, 202127:03
Episode 14 - A Heart For Missions

Episode 14 - A Heart For Missions

The last thing Jesus said to His disciples before His ascension was "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." Pastor Shiflett shares some of his personal testimony as a second-generation missionary. He also gives both the laymen and the pastors some thought-provoking ideas to help cultivate a greater heart for world missions.

Mar 02, 202131:07
Episode 13 The Emperor's New Clothes

Episode 13 The Emperor's New Clothes

In a day and age when deception is rampant, God's people need to be vigilant and vocal. As long as we remain silent, go along to get along and fail to speak truth, then the lies and deception will continue to flourish. Just as the Hans Christian Anderson children's story of the Emperor's New Clothes revealed men's willingness to be accepted rather than look foolish, our society is forsaking all semblance of common sense and readily embracing insanity and madness. We need more people to be like the little boy in the story to speak up and say what everybody should be saying. 

Feb 09, 202129:28
Episode 12 - Chew Bubblegum and Walk

Episode 12 - Chew Bubblegum and Walk

The Apostle Paul was heavily involved in things inside the church.  He was also persecuted, imprisoned and beaten for his work for God outside the church. It is every Christian's duty to both labor and serve Him in their local church, as well as make a difference and influence those without the church. Think it's impossible? You might need to learn to chew bubblegum and walk at the same time!

Jan 05, 202126:43
Episode 11 - Do They Call You A Christian?

Episode 11 - Do They Call You A Christian?

As we come to the end of the craziest year imaginable, were you able to maintain your testimony as a Christian? After being tested and tried, did your Christianity survive, or did you become a casualty? In Acts 11, after a whole year, these new converts were called Christians by the outside world. Do those around you still call you a Christian?

Dec 28, 202022:39
Episode 10 - Hedging Your Bets

Episode 10 - Hedging Your Bets

Are you one of those people that do your best to keep from making a tough decision based on the perception of others? Do you find yourself straddling the fence, waiting to make a call because you're worried about what others may say or if you may end up being wrong? This episode explains the biblical mandate to walk by faith - not by sight!

Dec 18, 202026:59
Episode 9 - Hurt In Church

Episode 9 - Hurt In Church

If you have ever been hurt in church, you were affected in ways you never imagined possible. However, there is grace available to help you heal from the hurt and move on for God's honor and glory!

Dec 16, 202031:20
Episode 8 - Sitting Ducks

Episode 8 - Sitting Ducks

As we commemorate Pearl Harbor Day today, we can learn from that horrible event. Just as our military was caught off guard and unprepared, we as Christians can also be "sitting ducks" when Satan attacks. This episode remembers that "day that will live in infamy" and draws some powerful correlations that we can apply in our spiritual warfare.

Dec 07, 202029:53
Episode 7 - Living in Limbo

Episode 7 - Living in Limbo

As our nation goes through a time of uncertainty awaiting the outcome of a crazy election, are you too in limbo? Are you truly dedicated to the cause of Christ or do those around you never know where you stand? This episode addresses the seriousness of getting out of "limbo" and embracing a life of commitment and faithfulness.

Nov 21, 202027:30
Episode 6 - Civil Disobedience

Episode 6 - Civil Disobedience

When there is a conflict between the Word of God and man's laws, the Bible must dictate our response. Pastor Shiflett examines Romans 13 and the debate between many Christians over whether or not we should cross the line into civil disobedience. 

Oct 24, 202028:02
Episode 5 - Christians and Politics

Episode 5 - Christians and Politics

This episode deals with the Christian's duty and obligation to not only be involved in politics, but to influence and impact the political process. Pastor Shiflett presents a list of ways that God's people can bring about biblical change and make a difference in local, state and national elections. 

Oct 12, 202035:00
Episode 4 - The Call to Preach

Episode 4 - The Call to Preach

Do you feel that God is calling you to preach? If so, He is calling you to a lot of things - not just to preach!

Sep 18, 202035:58
Episode 3 - Seeing God in the Sanctuary

Episode 3 - Seeing God in the Sanctuary

Life is too short to go to a church where God is missing! It's essential that we stress the importance of seeing God's power and glory in the sanctuary!

Sep 05, 202030:23
Episode 2 - What Can I Do?

Episode 2 - What Can I Do?

As a dad, husband and pastor, I often get overwhelmed with the current state of our churches and our nation. I keep asking myself, "What can I do?"  This episode is guaranteed to help you gain perspective of your responsibility as a child of God in these last days.

Aug 25, 202027:49
Episode 1 - Why Another Podcast?

Episode 1 - Why Another Podcast?

Find out more about Stacey Shiflett at

Aug 03, 202037:17
Stacey Shiflett Podcast Teaser
Jul 30, 202001:47