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East Coast snowing 1.2

Snow skin for East Coast 0.26 + scenarios

  1. Stuntman PS2
    Only uploaded to BeamNG.com, DON'T TRUST OTHER DOWNLOAD LOCATIONS!

    IMPORTANT: This map is linked to/uses all data from East Coast USA official map except the colour files, on version 0.26. While not advised for a long lasting mod, it reduces the mod size A LOT. IT MAY NOT WORK FOR YOU FUTURE PERSON! This is a separate map and should not interfere with East Coast Official.

    Also important: WEIRD TREES? V1.0 players please either clear cache, or delete the map folder in the temp files folder located here "C:\Users\YOU\AppData\Local\BeamNG.drive\0.26\temp\levels"
    For trees that have leaves at distance, Thanks!

    Not all scenarios could be included, those that are included are not designed for a snow map and may be impossible.
    New tree look, frozen ocean and reduced snowfall. V1.1

    West Coast Winter: https://www.beamng.com/resources/west-coast-usa-winter-edition.20633/
    Snow skins for all vehicles - https://www.beamng.com/resources/basic-snow-skins.24302/

    I tried to help and thought I'd have a go at making a snow version of East Coast. I will do other maps if it is popular and make a version that should survive future updates for each that I make.

    Here's some gameplay


    Want to make it snow more, or less? Eventually we will have options in the environment tab for this, but for now, here's a basic explanation of how to adjust the snowfall in a picture. (Open in new tab for bigger image)
    If you accidentally save, IT'S OK! just go to levels folder located here C:\Users\YOU\AppData\Local\BeamNG.drive\0.26\levels
    and delete the level folder of the map that has saved changes.
    These folders only contain saved changes to levels, and levels you have created. They are not the location of official maps, deleting them will remove all custom changes you have made to the maps with the folders name.

    There are no custom assets or textures (except frozen sea), only copying, adjusting and organising the files that make it all come together. So really, this is all thanks to BeamNG and a tiny bit of stuff done by a curious gamer.

    Only for map editors: This is kind of easy to do, if you are familiar with the map editor, paint.net and want to know how to do this, message me and I will explain, then put the explanation on here for others. I hope you can see how I made this just by looking into the zip file. You can convert any map to a snowy one by the looks of things.

Recent Reviews

  1. Mr.Drift
    Version: 1.2
    It's sad that it never got updated. Could've deleted/changed some props to better mirror the season as other reviews already mentioned. The whole map also feels like driving on ice, not snow. Areas with more/less grip would be a nice addition instead of the road being slidey everywhere. Sound effects would really help the immersion as well, like snow crunching under tires. But that may be a little difficult to implement.
  2. Richard Brooks
    Richard Brooks
    Version: 1.2
    i love using this map when i want to have moments that the ai slides into my side of the road.
  3. RyanCookie
    Version: 1.2
    This is excellent, I have been having alot of fun using it! By far one of the best maps for photoshoots
  4. Admirál Hermelín
    Admirál Hermelín
    Version: 1.2
    exellent BUT that city needs more lights like in west coast (and christmas lights) very good map
  5. bobisbest
    Version: 1.1
    this is BEST MAP MOD so far in beamng history,
  6. bussin.buses
    Version: 1.1
    Could you remove the boats from the water? Because people don’t usually leave their boats in the water. Maybe you could put them upside down on the beach? And could you remove the cars under tarps at Gem’s Classics? I don’t know many people who leave classic cars out in winter.
    1. Stuntman PS2
      Author's Response
      I would like to do those little bits that make it more realistic but it will take time and I'll have to go searching for everything too. When I run out of ideas I will have a go at it.
  7. ARES IV
    Version: 1.1
    Thank you :-)
  8. Uzziah Tyler
    Uzziah Tyler
    Version: 1.1
    Hey Excellent Mod Here! Can i Know how to download This?Just Put this in the Levels Folder?
  9. Kreunz
    Version: 1.1
    One of the best snow maps out there
  10. Deef_
    Version: 1.1
    after the update, the snowfall is too weak, I want something in between what it was and what it is now
    1. Stuntman PS2
      Author's Response
      I'm sure the beam team will make adjustable weather a standard feature eventually. For now I will have to add a small guide on how to change it in the mods description.
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