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Welcome to the Mavi Design Store

A place for high-quality digital / UX design assets that will save you time and supercharge your creative workflow. We focus on templates for Figma (.FIG), After Effects (.AEP, .MP4, .MOV) and Courses on Digital / UX Design

STORE BESTSELLER: Save hours on every project

Introducing the Automatic Figma Banner Ad Generator – a must-have for anyone who is designing banner ads in Figma. This Figma tool lets you define all key parameters in one location and then generates all 21 most common formats in real-time. Watch the intro video here.


A straight-to-the-point, no-fuss and efficient way to increase the value of your work. Join me as I uncover valuable insights, tips and secrets of producing high-quality designs that have helped me build a successful career in the Digital / UX design field.

✅ Time-tested advice from real client work

✅ Key learnings from more than a decade in the field

Condensed, actionable design knowledge

Browse Assets by Categories

FIGMA Components & Prototypes

Interactive components (buttons, sliders, form fields, dropdown menus) for your UX / UI projects. Web design prototypes an user flows.

FIGMA Templates, tools and generators

Figma templates that save you time – banner generators, PDF templates and other useful & timesaving assets for Figma

Adobe AFTER EFFECTS source files and animations

Source files for Adobe After Effects (.AEP), finished animations (.MP4 / .MOV) and other motion design assets ready for use

About Mavi Design

My name is Mavi and I run a YouTube channel called Mavi Design dedicated towards teaching and improving people's creative skills. By purchasing templates and assets from our store, you help support the channel and keep hundreds of our videos free to watch and learn from. Thank You! ❤️

We're here to help

Any problems with your downloads? Reach out to us through our contact form. We read every single submission and solve issues within a few hours.