Discover THE most powerful technique for activating a prosperous life

Are you ready to let go of the stories from your past so that you can live a life of prosperity?


Hi friend,

I know you want more from life.

You're ambitious, open to possibilities and ready to commit to doing the deeper work to make an impact in your life.

Deep down you know you were born for more but you haven’t quite got there.

"Here I am again", you think.

The same patterns have come back up and you’ve hit a ceiling and don’t know how to change it.

You’re tired of this, desperately wanting to break free.

You have goals and dreams to fulfil!

You are ready to step out of the story of your past and create something different.

You have a deep KNOWING that you are here to make a difference in this world.

You’ve started meditating, reading personal development books, you’re going down rabbit holes on YouTube, and you’re starting to see the light that you can change.

You’re feeling more inspired and hopeful but why does it still feel like your dreams are a far stretch away?

Whether you are are new to self development or have been on the path for many years, it’s not about how much knowledge you acquire but how embodied you are in the knowledge, and how free you are from your limited beliefs and the programming of the world.

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Want to know WHY you aren't actually reaching your potential and manifesting a prosperous life?

You have trauma and trapped emotions in your body.

There is no amount of mindset, meditation or therapy that will really work if you don't clear the trauma and emotions from your body.

It's the missing piece.

Clear the trauma and you will see life unfold in prosperous ways.

But how do you do that?

By far, one of THE BEST techniques I have personally studied and use in my own practice is breathwork.

How we create change is through using the power of the breath to make a physiological change.

You don’t need to keep revisiting the same old stories, what I LOVE about breathwork is that

it helps bypass the conscious mind, allowing you to access and process unresolved trauma on a subconscious level.

🌟 Not just any breathwork - welcome to Transformational Breathwork

I have been trained in a method that combines breathwork with binaural beats, subliminal messaging and live coaching. All to powerful emotive music. This is breathwork on steroids!

🌟 You will learn the best types of breathwork techniques to move particular emotions

Whilst there are a few intense holotropic & euphoric breath practices, there are also more gentle breathing practices that will also create a profound result.

🌟 Natures best high

You will most likely not experience anything else that creates such a blissful state after the session. You will end each session feeling like the best version of yourself and so good that you can't wait for your next session. Once you try this, you will be addicted!

Your breath is your source of true everlasting prosperity.

Learn to master your breath and you will master your life.

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Experience the power of

Transformational Breathwork

This technique will supercharge your life and was created to get you results!

Somatic Breathwork

Binaural Brain Entrainment

Guided Vocal Coaching

Subliminal Hypnosis

Multidimensional Sound

Breathing Into Prosperity will awaken the

3 pillars of Prosperous Living:

Health, Wealth and Happiness.

Everyone wants more money, but true prosperity is about having an abundance of love in your heart and a thriving life in all areas.

Money is great - and yes, when you clear up your unresolved trauma you will be more creative, resourceful and open to receiving more from life; BUT if you don't have true prosperity in health and mind, you will continue to feel empty and struggle.

Transformational Breathwork is the secret to activating, clearing and revitalising you so that you feel the true meaning of prosperity.

See how quickly things will change when you make this commitment to your own transformation.

You will feel:

  • Calmer
  • More energized
  • The ability to handle life's difficult moments
  • Creative & Inspired
  • Empowered to make decisions
  • Less anxiety
  • More confident

Which equals more prosperity and opportunity in your life.

When you let go of those unhealed emotions you are more open to possibility and this is where true wealth comes in.

Because you will slowly realize that the things that used to bother you don't anymore.

You notice you aren't getting anxious in areas that once held you captive, you find it easier to deal with your emotions and life feels like there is more hope.

You feel more ALIVE again!

I want this feeling!


The After Effects of Breathwork!

I had such a release after doing the breathwork with Jason. I had never done breathwork before.

He is correct, your monkey mind/ego will try to tell u can’t do this, or how much longer ( I admit I did check the time n only 5 minutes had gone by! lol) I was like Ugh how m I going to get through this??!! But Jason had a very good selection of inspirational music n his continued encouragement is what i focused on, along with breathing. I kinda went back n forth between them. I MADE it through in fact I started releasing n sobbing before I got to the primal scream which helped get my residual stuff out.

- Julie (Prosperity Challenge)

Omg, what a powerful release. I am sobbing, tingling. Thank you so much Jason.

- Dawn (Prosperity Challenge)

I just listened to the first sparks session; deep breaths etc. Wow! I regularly practise deep breathing, but not like this. I had to do it a lot slower and I can see why Jason reminds us that we are ‘the captain of our own ship’! I did feel tingling in my hands etc. was very cathartic though. A powerful first session.

- Annonymous

That breathwork session was incredible.  I’m training to be a Clinical Hypnotherapist and we just did breathwork sessions in our training this past weekend.  I didn’t generally connect with the protocol we were working with, but I absolutely connected with Jason’s breathwork technique.  It was incredibly healing for me.  Thank you Jason!!

- Meri (Prosperity Challenge)

I just finished day 1.

How to explain... OMG!!! I never screamed so loud it scared me! But the release!!! SO much came up and I was able to release so I am very very grateful to you Jason! I have followed you for over 6 years now since I began this spiritual journey and you have helped me more than words can express so thank you from my heart to yours I love you and all you do

-Willow (Prosperity Challenge

Just finished day 1 activation...Mind blown.. Never ever have experienced anything like it my was a physical workout then a mental workout. I really and truly enjoyed it..

- Jacques (Daily Sparks)

Jason, you never disappoint. I feel Ike the sun has set into my core. This experience was amazing. Thank you infinity.

- Samantha (Prosperity Challenge)

I replayed the first session and found it very empowering. After the scream came tears and a feeling of being closer to accepting myself. Thankyou Jason

- Ruth (Prosperity Challenge)

I’ve just done the breathwork on replay at 6am uk time, what an amazing experience, I do breathwork regularly but have never done it at home on my own, it was amazingly powerful, face tingles, huge downloads, huge release and a massive cry at the end.. thankyou for holding this space so beautifully.

- Kim (Prosperity Challenge)

Life doesn't have to feel like a struggle all the time!

You have the power to change your life through your breath.


  • Your mindset work alone isn’t working
  • You feel like you are doing “all the things” but nothing is working
  • You aren’t where you want to be in life
  • You can’t let go of past hurt and trauma
  • You have big goals and dreams but you can’t seem to get ahead
  • You get triggered often and can’t seem to manage your emotions
  • On the outside you appear “normal” but inside you are always questioning your worthiness
  • You lack confidence to really go big in life
  • You want to break free from the patterns that your parents and family have been stuck in
  • Deep down you don’t feel worthy of good things happening to you
  • You are committed to doing this deep inner work and can commit to 20 minutes most days.

This course is unlike any of my courses. I am not here to fill your head with more knowledge. I am here to guide you through a deep transformational breath journey that is proven to get results if you do the work.


What is Breathing Into Prosperity?

Breathing into Prosperity is journey into all facets of prosperous living through the power of the breath. I will guide you through various breathwork techniques such as holotropic and euphoric breath. Each breathwork practice can be done daily to release the subconscious blocks that stand in the way of your prosperous life.

Each week will uncover one of the 3 core areas of prosperity - health, wealth and happiness.

What you get:

  • 5 daily breathwork practice audios each week on the topic of Health, Wealth and Happiness - the pillars of prosperity.
  • Introduction videos for each segment and for each breathing technique.
  • Login and access your videos and audios to view Jason's recordings through our course platform.
  • Breathwork session durations from 15-30 minutes all building on each other to ensure you gradually feel more comfortable with the technique.
  • Connection! Share your insights and experiences with others on our community platform.
  • Full support from the team if anything comes up for you during this somatic practice.

Discover the 3 Pillars of Prosperity

Breathing Into Prosperity will guide you through breathwork journeys that explore a topic associated with each pillar.

You will learn a different breathwork technique with each pillar and build on your practice with breathwork journeys starting at 10 minutes and moving into longer sessions for a deeper release of emotions.

Pillar 1 - Health

  • Introduction to health
  • Breathing technique
  • Reset breath demonstration
  • Deep belly breathing demonstration

Breathwork Journeys

Day 1 - The Holistic Path: Breathing life into your total well-being

Day 2 - Enhancing physical vitality with breathwork

Day 3 - Cultivating mental and emotional well-being

Day 4 - The spiritual dimension of health

Day 5 - Integrating holistic health into your daily life

Pillar 2 - Wealth

  • Introduction to wealth
  • Dopamine breathing
  • Dopamine breathing demonstration

Breathwork Journeys

Day 6 - What does financial health look like in your life?

Day 7 - Using resources to create more wealth

Day 8 - Release fears and limiting beliefs about money

Day 9 - Building on success

Day 10 - Multiple income streams

Pillar 3 - Happiness

  • Introduction to happiness
  • Euphoric breathing
  • Euphoric breathing demonstration

Breathwork Journeys

Day 11 - Cultivating gratitude with euphoric breathing

Day 12 - Embracing positive psychology with euphoric breathing

Day 13 - Embracing adventure and spontaneity

Day 15 - Unleashing your full potential with passion and purpose

Meet the person guiding you through Breathing Into Prosperity.

Hi, I'm Jason Stephenson.

  • Creator of the most popular meditation channel on YouTube with 3 million+ subscribers.
  • Over 1 billion plays of his meditations & music.

I've helped millions of people across the globe find peace, get better sleep, and overcome difficult life circumstances through my YouTube Channels,

My work is centered around personal growth and sharing how to live an empowered life through sleep, meditation, breath-work and daily practice to your commitment.

I've studied various healing modalities, most recently my Breathwork Practitioners Training and very passionate about the transformative power of breathwork for more profound and long lasting results that will change your life.

When not creating Zen-inspired content you'll find me hanging out with my fur-mate River, singing tunes at my local Karaoke night and relaxing in my peaceful home in rural South Australia.

Start right now. Breathing Into Prosperity is the next level you are looking for.