Jed Herne’s Fantasy Outlining Bootcamp

Jed Herne’s Fantasy Outlining Bootcamp

Learn my proven outlining system to write thrilling plots, complex characters, and immersive fantasy worlds in this 7-week group coaching program.

Learn my proven outlining system to write thrilling plots, complex characters, and immersive fantasy worlds in this 7-week group coaching program.

Cohort 3 starts on June 10th, 2024.

Applications close on June 5th.

Outlining will help you write a fantasy book that readers love.

This 7-week bootcamp is your ultimate guide to the art of fantasy outlining.

Through live workshops, you’ll master the story structure, worldbuilding, and character arc principles I’ve used to publish four fantasy novels and a bestselling video game.

You’ll also join me in a series of live coaching calls where I’ll personally help you develop your own outline (and elevate your storytelling in the process).

And along the way, you’ll join a small community of like-minded fantasy writers, sharing feedback and accountability as you craft your story.

Trevor's experience of Jed Herne's Fantasy Outlining Bootcamp

What do my students say?

Here’s what students from Cohort 1 & 2 said:

Trevor Gjeltema

“This was an incredible experience. From the very first time I got a critique from Jed, my brain was on fire with how much there was to think about, and it filled me with passion to keep writing and keep improving. Jed is a phenomenal writer and teacher.”

Christine Row

“It probably has saved me months or years of wandering with this story. This is the best investment I’ve ever made in my writing, and I’ll be referring to the recordings again and again. So if you’re looking to level up your writing and develop a clear path to a finished manuscript, I cannot recommend this bootcamp highly enough.”

Steph H.

“I cannot recommend it enough. It has been immensely helpful in ways that I couldn’t have even imagined. Not only did I learn how to outline, I learned how to outline for myself with different tools that I can mix and match. It was so immensely helpful to have like-minded people to work with and get feedback from every week. Thank you so much, Jed. This was an absolute blast.”

Beth Lindlbauer

“This bootcamp was a fantastic process. We created our own little micro writing community where we took incredibly deep dives into each other’s writing projects and learned lots from Jed. Jed knows his stuff and he has all the data to back it up. You ask him a question and he can answer it and bring up examples on the spot. It’s really impressive to work with him.”

Kevin Pettit-Scantling

“The cohort was a transformative experience, not only because of the community that we fostered in the past seven weeks, but also because Jed was a huge source of knowledge for each of us and a great teacher. I would highly recommend it to anybody who’s trying to take their writing more seriously.”

Jonathan Hoff

“When Jed’s breaking down the points we need to learn, he goes over each topic neatly and thoroughly and allows us to openly contact him with Slack to have discussions about the process. The most valuable things that I took out of the class were definitely the premise, theme, and character depth exercises. I will always be using these in the future, because they make your stories so much more cohesive.”

Matt Fagan

“This course was revelatory for me, and it was by far the best decision I’ve ever made in my writing journey. My perspective on outlines and the purpose they serve was completely stripped bare and rebuilt correctly. Now I have a firm understanding of how to actually approach storytelling, and the benefits will far outlive the tenure of this class.”

Paul Delos Santos

“Jed shows you how to develop your own process for outlining. He doesn’t try to shoebox you into his method, but rather helps you find what works best for you. And you get much more than just learning how to outline. You also get a community of people who will know your story, know your characters, and know your world. If you’re on the fence, I say, give it a go, because it will really benefit you as a writer in the long term.”

Josiah Vandenberg

“Jed has been wonderful to learn from – insightful and encouraging. This program has given me a very quick feedback loop of sharing ideas and getting immediate criticisms. My story feels far more concrete now, with a definitive beginning, middle, and end, and the steps of how to get there. I highly recommend taking this course and I hope you get as much out of it as I have.”

Dimitri Manginis

“It was absolutely amazing, and I really recommend it to anybody who can do it. The lessons he gave us were really well organized and they were always reinforced by exercises that helped me develop my understanding of writing, and improve more than I could ever imagine.”

Sam Trevers

“The community aspect of the group is brilliant. The fact that I’ve now got a whole bunch of people who are serious about their writing to discuss ideas with and to workshop my story with is brilliant.”

Arwen Sadler

“Not only is Jed a great instructor, but the structure of the course was extremely helpful for getting my novel working. You share your work on each assignment with the class and give each other feedback in a public slack channel, which really allows you to more closely analyze your own writing process and spot problems early on, as well as see how other people tackle problems and approach their writing. By giving the other students in the class feedback about their projects, I learned so much about myself as a writer and about how to troubleshoot the problems in my own novel.”

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Hanedie Alleyne

“The feedback that I’ve been getting from the group and from yourself has really helped me think about different ways I can approach my scenes, especially when it comes to the little details. Usually, I can think of things broadly, but when it comes to the specifics, I can sometimes get lost, so this has helped a lot.”

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Josiah Vandenberg

“Your insight has been great. Having other people to just bounce ideas off and get feedback from has been really awesome.”

Listen to Trevor's experience

The day after we finished the bootcamp, Trevor started writing his novel.

Trevor's experience of Jed Herne's Fantasy Outlining Bootcamp

Listen to Dimitri's experience

“It was absolutely amazing, and I really recommend it to anybody who can do it. The lessons he gave us were really well organized and they were always reinforced by exercises that helped me develop my understanding of writing, and improve more than I could ever imagine.”

Listen to Matt's experience

“This course was revelatory for me, and it was by far the best decision I’ve ever made in my writing journey.”

What will I learn in the outlining bootcamp?

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from 12+ years (and over 1 million words) of fantasy writing, and packed it into a 7-week curriculum designed for your quickest possible growth. 

Here’s what you’ll learn:

🔬 Master the blueprint for crafting riveting plots:

Learn a foolproof system for outlining fantasy plots that captivate readers from the first page to the last.

👤 Unlock the secrets of three-dimensional character development:

Transform your characters from bland ‘words on a page’ to living, breathing people —with depth, relatability, and emotion.

🌏 Create immersive fantasy worlds with ease:

Discover my proven methods for crafting immersive, unique, and unforgettable worldbuilding.

🤔 Dive deep into crafting thought-provoking themes:

Integrate themes in an entertaining and ‘non-preachy’ way that resonates with readers, leaving them thinking about your story long after closing the final pages.

✏️ Unleash your creativity without restriction:

Learn how to outline in a way that fuels your creativity (and motivation) rather than stifling it.

🔧 Adapt the system to your unique writing style and preferences:

Learn how to tailor your outlining methods to suit your individual creativity and enhance your unique storytelling voice.

💚 Optimize story structure for emotional resonance:

Understand the hidden psychology of storytelling to write fantasy novels that emotionally connect with your readers.

🚀 Accelerate your fantasy writing career with peer and expert feedback:

Benefit from personalised coaching and a supportive group of fantasy writers for accountability and further learning.

How does the bootcamp work?

The 7-week program is designed to be the perfect blend of teaching, coaching, and community.

I will equip you with proven outlining strategies and help you apply them to your own fantasy story. 

Here’s how the program works:

Weekly Workshops

Each Monday, I run a live masterclass on an aspect of the outlining process (i.e. Story Structure, Character Development, etc.). You’ll also get structured exercises to build your own outline.

Weekly Live Group Coaching

On Thursdays, join me for in-depth Q&A and feedback on your outline. 

Exclusive Writing Community

You will be added into our Slack group with the other students in the program. Here, we will hang out between the coaching sessions, exchange ideas, give support, and offer feedback.

1-on-1 Coaching Call with Jed

You’ll get a personalised one-on-one call with me to discuss your outline and your story in more detail.

Outlining Templates & Resources

You’ll get detailed worksheets, structure guides, and templates to help with character development, plotting, worldbuilding, and more.

Weekly Feedback from Jed

Every week, you’ll receive extensive, personalised feedback from me to help you develop your story. You’ll also be able to ask me questions at any time through our Slack group.

When do the live sessions run?

Live group sessions run at 8am Perth time on Mondays and Thursdays. 

  • That’s 5pm Pacific Standard Time for Vancouver, San Francisco, etc. (on the previous day — i.e. 8am Monday Perth time = 5pm Sunday Pacific time).
  • Or 8pm Eastern Standard Time for New York, etc.

You will be added to a calendar for easy time conversion/reminders of our calls.

Your one-on-one call will be arranged at a separate time.

All calls will be recorded if you can’t make it live (or you just want to re-watch them later).

Detailed summaries and timestamps will also be made for easy recall of key moments.

Applications are currently closed

You can sign up to the waitlist by clicking the button below, and you’ll receive an email when applications open for the next cohort.

How much does the program cost?

Base Program:

🧑‍🦲 Limited to 6-8 spots

🔨 6 live workshops (valued at $1,500)

👨‍🏫 6 live group calls (value: $1,500)

📝 In-depth feedback on your outline (value: $750)

📞 1 personal call with Jed (value: $500)

🎞️ Lifetime access to all recordings (value: $400)

🧠 Access to Slack community (value: $600)

🧪 Outlining templates & resources (value: $500)

Price: $5,700

Price: $2,750

Premium Program:

🧑‍🦲 Limited to 1-2 spots

🔨 6 live workshop sessions (valued at $1,500)

👨‍🏫 6 live group coaching calls (value: $1,500)

📝 In-depth feedback on your outline (value: $750)

📞 6x 1-on-1 video calls with Jed (value: $3,000)

🎞️ Lifetime access to all recordings (value: $400)

🧠 Access to Slack community (value: $600)

🧪 Outlining templates & resources (value: $500)

📙 Detailed feedback on your first 20,000 words (once you start writing the novel that you outline in the program) – (value: $1,800)

☎️ 6 months of VIP direct access support with Jed after the program (use this to contact Jed if you face any obstacles when using your outline to write your novel) – (value: $1,200)

Price: $11,250

Price: $5,250

How do I know if I’m a good fit?

I will personally review every application.

To ensure quality and a high level of personalised attention, spots are limited to a maximum of 8 writers. This means the program is highly selective.

Here’s what I look for:

    • You’re a fantasy writer (this program is only for fantasy writers).
    • You’re a ‘coachable’ person who thrives on raw, honest feedback.
    • You have some writing experience, and you take your craft seriously.
    • You have ambitious goals, but understand there’s no magic pill.
    • You have a fantasy story that you want to outline (or you’re already working on a story that you want help with).

If you tick all the above, then this program is for you.

Join the waitlist for Cohort 3

We recently finished Cohort 2 of the Bootcamp (with 8 amazing writers).

You can sign up for the Cohort 3 waitlist by clicking the button below. You’ll then receive an email when applications open for this next cohort.

In the past, spots have filled up very quickly. By joining the waitlist, you’ll receive early access to the application process.

When does Cohort 3 start?

Cohort 3 begins on June 10th, 2024, and runs for 7 weeks. 

Applications are due before June 5th at 6pm Perth time. 

(If you can’t make this cohort, and you want to join the waitlist for a future cohort instead, please let me know in your application.)

My money-back guarantee

If you decide this program wasn’t for you and you want a refund, I will send it. There’s no hoops to jump through — just let me know within 90 days of the bootcamp starting, and I’ll give you a 100% refund.

What do other writers say?

Here’s more comments from fantasy writers who have worked with me in my other programs.

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Josiah Cadmes

5 stars

“Since starting the program, I’ve improved drastically. Before, I’d written around 9,000 words in two years, and now I’m at 60,000 words in two months. Knowing I have someone in my corner helping me achieve my dreams is worth more than anything in the world.”


Jeff Chandler

5 stars

“Before, my writing was very one-dimensional and unorganised and I couldn’t really figure out what to do. After the course I came out feeling that my writing was multi-faceted, multi-layered, and my scenes were accomplishing several things at once instead of just one flat thing. I feel a lot more confident and organised after taking Jed’s course.”


Peter Christensen

5 stars

“My daily writing word count tripled after starting Jed’s program. The big eye-opening lesson for me was your definition of writer’s block (as a sign that there is a structural issue with my story). I’ve heard a few ideas about where writer’s block comes from, but that’s the first definition that’s really resonated with me.”

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Luis Dall

5 stars

“Your coaching has definitely given me more confidence to write scenes and story arcs. Before, my writing would feel like I was always floundering, and my scenes often fell flat. Now I have a sense of how to add tension that moves the story and keeps the reader engaged.”

Thomas Photo

Thomas Clement

5 stars

“I’ve noticed a huge improvement in my output. When we started working together, I was still on about a thousand words a day. Now, I’m averaging 2000-2500 and that amount is increasing.”


Michael Johnson

5 stars

“You really helped me level up past a ceiling that I didn’t even know I was at, and helped me get a deeper understanding of my characters and the way my story needed to progress. I have learned more as a writer in the past two months of working with you than I did in two years trying to push myself alone.”

Frequently Asked Questions

How many writers will be in the program?

To ensure plenty of personalised feedback from Jed, the program is currently limited to a maximum of 8 writers.

What type of writer is this for?

This is a program for intermediate to advanced fantasy writers with some writing experience.

You don’t need to have published a book (although you can certainly apply if you have).

However, if you’ve never written anything before, this program is not for you.

How much time will it take per week?

The live sessions will require 2-3 hours per week, and you’ll need another few hours every week to develop your outline (I’d suggest at least 4-6 extra hours).

Of course, should it suit better, you can set your own schedule. You’ll have access to all the live recordings, and can go through at your own pace.

Can you guarantee that this will make me a published author?

No. Writing is a tough game, and I can’t guarantee success.

However, I’ll do everything in my power to help you achieve great results during and after the program.

And like I mention above – if you go through the program and don’t feel like it provided enough value, you can always request a 100% refund.

I can’t join at this time. Can I join a waitlist?

If you can’t make the current cohort, feel free to apply anyway (and just let me know at the end of the application form that you can’t make the current cohort). I will then put you on a waitlist for future cohorts.