Become an expert on your own healing.

Knowledge really is powerful, especially when it comes to understanding what happened to us in childhood. Why? Because once we understand our story, we can begin to identify our unique and individual healing pathways, which lead us toward becoming the most healed versions of ourselves.

Become the healing version of yourself.

Healing is a life long process, but what would your life and relationships feel like, if you were no longer defined by your childhood?

Who are these courses for?

If your answer is "yes" to most, these courses were designed just for you:

I never felt emotionally safe in my childhood.

I struggle with chronic mental and physical health issues.

I never feel good enough, no matter what I do.

I feel lonely inside, even when I am not alone.

I am highly self critical and judgmental.

I tend to find myself repeating unhealthy relationship patterns.

I long to be safe and understood by a partner.

I feel too much, and think too much about everything.

I don't really know what it feels like to love myself.

online courses

new online course

new online course

Please explore 3 free preview lessons from my new course! click on the box below

Transform and heal your childhood story.

Transform and heal your childhood story.

A course designed for every child, every one of us, who grew up feeling like deep inside, there was just something wrong with us. Deep inside, in the secret spaces of our hearts, we are bad, unworthy, unlovable or shame-filled.

A course for those of us who learned that love was conditional, or that it’s normal to feel confusing, “good and bad love,” at the hands of our parents or caregivers.

A course designed to explain, explore and validate our childhood wounds and hurts, while also providing us with the knowledge, tools and empowering resources we need to change and heal our lives, relationships, and stories.

Become an expert on your past, so you can live in peace, in the present.

  • Learn to identify the clinical and personal patterns, traits and behaviors in parents and caregivers who may have Narcissistic and/or Borderline Personality Disorder diagnoses.

  • Take a deep dive into Attachment Theory and Complex Trauma. Understand your own Attachment Style, your caregiver’s Attachment Style and your experiences, and how your childhood has impacted your life today.

  • Learn about the tremendously important relationship between your nervous system and your childhood trauma, as well as how your body continues to be impacted by your childhood today.

  • Explore and develop your own personalized inner child healing plan, by learning to re-parent both your inner child and your inner parent.

  • Through exercises and journal prompts, take a closer look at who you are, who you want to be and how you became who you are today. Examine and challenge relational patterns, as well as personal, and familial boundaries. Create your own boundary and communication plans between yourself, family and friends.

  • Transform your childhood experiences, and current adult relationships, through using deeply personal exercises, journal prompts and guided meditations and affirmations — designed to gently and lovingly sculpt your healing process, every step along the way.

Could my parents have struggled with Narcissistic and/or Borderline traits?

Could I have Complex PTSD?

At my core, I often feel lonely, unlovable and/or unworthy.

In my childhood, nothing was ever good enough. My parents seemed to have favorites.

I have struggled with chronic mental and physical health issues for most of my life.

I experienced emotional abuse and/or neglect in my childhood.

Anger was a dangerous emotion in my childhood.

I feel guilty about being upset with my parents. Sometimes I question if it was as bad as I remember.

I keep finding myself in unhealthy relationships. Deep down, I don't really trust most people.

I feel like my parent(s) either loved me or hated me. I was either the "good child" or the "bad child."

I had to be an emotional partner to my parent.

I believe my parent(s) may have Narcissistic, Borderline and/or Emotionally Immature traits.

Course FAQs

74 Lessons

There are 74 lessons in the “Healing and Dealing with Borderline and/or Narcissistic Parents,” course.

Each lesson has been designed to help you become a master of your own healing, from your childhood relational trauma. You will learn to how to identify Narcissistic, Borderline, Emotionally Immature and toxic types of parents, as well as develop your own healing toolbox to target your attachment style and wounds, nervous system, inner child and reparenting needs. In addition, you will learn how to create your own pathway to identity development, boundary setting, self awareness and relational patterns, and how to navigate the complex nature of each relationship in your life, while also living with symptoms of your own childhood trauma. The core of each video, each lesson and each exercise, is to provide extensive clinical and researched-based knowledge, while also grounding you to the deeply deserved validation you may never have experienced before, even in your own therapy. Children raised by parents who consistently wounded them, through untreated Narcissistic and/or Borderline type traits or diagnoses, often carry intensely traumatic wounds that play out in how we see ourselves, how we live our lives, and what we expect in relationships. And, unless you lived it, you often don’t really understand the innately complex, and innately traumatic experience of these types of childhoods. Too often, we are still stuck in our relational trauma with these types of parents — in our minds, in our hearts, and even in our daily lives. The Healing and Dealing with the Trauma of Narcissistic and/or Borderline Parents course is designed to teach, support and empower you in becoming the expert of your own story, and your own healing, so you can finally begin to live in peace, and in power. It was never your fault, and at the end of the course, you will have the tools and knowledge to finally begin to believe it.


Each of the 30 videos included in the course are designed to gently support you through the course, much like if we were sitting together and working on healing your childhood story. Your transformation is our focus, and it starts with you feeling safe, seen and heard, in short, validated. For so many of us, we've never felt understood or even been able to tell our stories, because of our shame, embarrassment and inner child wounds, but also because historically it has not been acceptable to be honest about hurtful parents. We are just supposed to be grateful that they provided for us. But providing for children is a parent's job. Unfortunately, too many of us were left alone and unseen in childhood, and we feel much the same way today. But here, you don't have to feel that way. Here, you get to show up just as you are, holding your story in your heart, but ready to heal that heart -- maybe for the first time.

Videos are aligned with each lesson, using Thinkific’s teaching platform, so that you know exactly where you are in the course at any given time. Individual pages, from the E-Workbook, accompany each video lesson as well, so you can decide if you want to engage in the exercises with each video, or if you would like to come back to them at another time. Additionally, there are video recordings alongside the workbook exercises, in an effort to make course completion and comprehension, as easy and supportive as possible.


The E-Workbook includes 100 pages of knowledge, exercise, journal work each page is designed to help further your knowledge and healing on individual topics. From exercises to journal prompts, your workbook is a place for you to safely explore what you really feel and think, as well as what happened to you, and how it has impacted your life today. Pages for each video lesson are linked together, so you know exactly where you are in the course, and the work that accompanies each lesson. For some portions of the workbook, I screen recorded over the lessons, so it feels like we are doing the workbook together, just to help you feel additionally supported in doing your healing work.


Healing the trauma that lives in our bodies is imperative to transforming our childhood wounds, and using meditations and affirmations can be incredibly helpful in giving our bodies the experience of feeling safe, something we longed for in childhood and often long for today. Each of the Guided Meditations are designed to help soothe and regulate your nervous system, heal your inner child and attachment wounds, and connect you to your internalized and loving adult self . MP3 versions of Releasing Anger, Safe Place, Ideal Parent Figure Protocol (modified), relaxing and emotionally regulating scripts and meditations are recorded by me personally. Meditations range from 4 minutes to 45 minutes.

“Once I knew it wasn’t my fault she acted that way, I could stop telling myself I was the bad one.”

Learn to use Dr. Sage’s course and 3 Part Reparenting Protocol to set up your life as a healed inner child, and as a healed inner parent.

You are the only inner child and inner parent you will ever have — so learn to cultivate that love inside, with real compassion, strength, boundaries and emotional safety.


Do I need re-mothering?

I often feel alone, even around other people.

I am highly self critical.

I experienced emotional abuse and/or neglect in my childhood.

I never feel good enough.

I tend to neglect my emotional and physical needs. I will push myself too hard or ignore what my body needs.

I have a hard time setting and holding boundaries.

I struggle with the concept of self love. I don't know how to love myself.

I struggle with chronic mental and physical health issues.

I keep finding myself in unhealthy relationship patterns.


Every lesson in the Re-mothered course is designed to help you identify, heal and transform your wounded inner child into a loved, safe, seen and heard inner child-- who is cared for by an internalized loving mother. We begin by identifying and understanding our wounded inner child signs, symptoms and patterns, and then we move into lessons focused on Attachment wounds, Complex Trauma, trauma types, and relationship issues impacted by trauma. Once we explore and understand the foundation of our childhood relational trauma, we then work on developing your own personalized 3 Part Reparenting Protocol: Self Safety, Self Soothing and Self Nurturing, and how to set up a daily life that reflects your worthy and lovable inner child, and inner parent. The goal of each lesson is to further enhance your knowledge of where you came from, so you can begin to sculpt who you are today. There are parts of your pain and story that are powerful -- and we want to honor the parts of our little child selves that helped us survive. At the same time, there are parts of our inner child that hold us back from the life we are worthy of living. Sometimes, our internalized mother voice reinforces those wounded parts and keeps them tucked away in childhood, rather than setting them free, and holding them with love and compassion. Once we understand the concept of being both our inner child and inner parent, we can begin to explore our lives and relationships with wild abandon, always knowing our "mother," waits safely for us to return. Re-mothering is about meeting our inner child, in many ways, for the very first time.


Your online course includes 15 individual videos designed to help your inner child meet your inner parent. Through education, gentle loving support, exercises and journal prompts, each video is designed to walk alongside you in your healing process. We explore the major components to healing your inner child, and to learning to reparent yourself: Cultivating your internalized loving mother, healing your nervous system, and understanding the relationship between Attachment Theory and Polyvagal Theory are the foundations of the course. Finally, and most importantly, you will learn how to use my 3 Part Reparenting Protocol which includes: Self Nurturing, Self Safety, and Self Soothing, to design a life that works for YOU, and reflects your precious inner child, and powerful, safe and loving inner parent -- rather than someone else's prescription for healing your unique, and special inner child and life. Each video will help you transform the wounded inner child into the loving internalized parent you always deserved.


Your E-Workbook pages are designed to accompany each video lesson, and you are free to complete them alongside the videos, or to return later at your own pace. From healing wounded parts, identifying your ideal mother, and attachment wound exercises, to understanding the impact of enmeshment, guilt, anger, identity and relational cycles, and how to cultivate play and happiness - we explore our childhoods, and adult lives. Additionally, we focus on creating loving internalized messages, identifying goals for our healed lives, and through an exploration of over 30 journal prompts and ideas - we further shape and craft our inner child and inner adult healing process. Most importantly, we develop a daily plan for sculpting a life that reflects our lovability and worthiness as children, adults and humans. You are the only internalized mother you will ever have, and that voice will be with you for the entirety of your life. Remake your internalized mother into exactly what you needed in childhood, and now, into the mother you need and deserve inside your mind and heart today. When you re-mother, you heal parts of yourself that you never even knew were broken, and you re-design them to reflect a life of self love, self compassion and true, emotional safety.


The Re-Mothered Guided Meditations and Affirmations are designed to help soothe and re-shape your nervous system, heal your inner child and inner parent, and to develop an inner experience of true self safety. The goal is to learn to integrate and hold the wounded inner child as a loving, safe and internalized mother. We also use the Safe Place, and an inspiring version of the Ideal Parent Protocol (developed by Dan Brown and David Elliot) (MP3).

Beautiful healing stories…..

  • "Thank you for consistently reinforcing that my mom's love wasn't always bad, but that it still hurt, confused and traumatized me. I finally feel free."

  • "I finally understand how to love my inner child, and I can hold her inside as a loving parent."

  • "I always thought it was my fault. Thank you Dr. Kim, I can really let myself off the hook now, and just focus on being the best version of myself."