Rabbi Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer

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  • $23.32/month

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Sponsor two Arukh HaShulchan Yomi shiurim on days you choose.
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Sponsor a week of your choice of Arukh HaShulchan Yomi Shiurim
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A Shiur onthe Topic of Your Choice
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A two part shiur on the topic of your choice. Delivered to the audience of your choice via Zoom or any other platform. You choose who attends. The shiur will be uploaded to youtube with an acknowledgment of your sponsorship.
  • Shiurim on the Topic of Your Choice
An Article on the Topic of Your Choice
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An article on the topic of your choice. English or Hebrew. You can choose to limit distrubition or make the article generally available on the platforms of your choice.
  • An Article on the Topic of Your Choice
Once a Month One Hour Chevrusa Learning
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Learn with RYGB once a month for an hour, topic of your choice. You can split up the sponsorship and have a chaburah or shiur.
  • Learn b'Chevrusa with RYGB
  • Inscribed Copy of Bigdei Shesh on Shoftim
Weekly One Hour Learning with RYGB
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Learn with RYGB once a week for an hour, topic of your choice. You can split up the sponsorship and have a chaburah or shiur.
  • Learn b'Chevrusa with RYGB
  • Inscribed Copy of Bigdei Shesh on Shoftim
  • Inscribed Copy of Bigdei Shesh on Bava Basra
Rabbi Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer

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